The next Swiss Juggling Convention 2014 will be in the suburbs of Lausanne, in the french part of Switzerland.
Reference Web Page :
Organiser's web page, in french
Facebook event :
Cliquez here.
From Friday the 5th to Sunday the 7th of September 2014.
In "le collège de la Plaine, à Chavannes-près-Renens", in the suburbs of Lausanne. | |
Acces information from the reference Web site. | |
Here is Lausanne in Switzerland | |
Localisation of the collège de la Plaine, in Lausanne with GoogleMap. Localisation of the collège de la Plaine, in Lausanne, with OpenStreetMap. |
A camping will be at disposal on the site. | |
Places will be available in a "Protection civile" bunker for 8.- CHF per night. | |
It will be possible to sleep in the gymnastic hall.
The juggling noice can disturb you ! Bring your sleeping bag. |
Food will be sold on the juggling place. | |
A breakfast will be organised. |
The participation at the festival is free. | |
Dogs are not allowed in the halls. | |
Participants must have their own insurance. |
Train table
See the Swiss train time table :
See the reference Web page.
19:00, Welcoming the jugglers, opening of the juggling place. | |
Free juggling. | |
21:30, open stage, free entrence. See the reference page. | |
22:30, Fire show by the company "Fuegoloko". |
8:30 - 10:30, breakfast. | |
Free juggling. | |
10:00 - 12:00 initiation juggling workshops. | |
15:00, juggling parade in Chavannes-près-Renens, with : ° The juggling olympiade (games) ; ° A street show from the company "Les Yeux Fermés". |
20:00, public Gala Show see the reference Web Page. | |
22:00, Fire and light juggling. |
8:30 - 10:30, breakfast | |
Free juggling. | |
10:00 - 12:00, initiation juggling workshops given by the cikus school Coquino. | |
14:00, ending show, by the Kunos Circus Theater. | |
16:00 "Business Meeting", discussion about the future. | |
17:00 End of the convention, closing and cleaning. |
For More Information :
Nikolaï Tagantsev
E-mail : festivaljonglerie2014 AT
Site map :
( index.html )
Last update done the 8th of August 2014 by Bernard Gisin
( Send an e-mail )