35th Swiss Juggling Convention Information in 2022
The next Swiss Juggling Convention 2022 will be saturday the 2nd ans sunday the 3rd July in Basel, in the german part of Switzerland.
Il will be a simple festival.
Satudray the 2nd ans sunday the 3rd of July.
If the weather forcast will be bad for this weekend, the festival will be posponed to the next weekend, the 9th ans 10th of July.
There is no official accommodation.
Accommodation with Rasmus is possible for up to 20 people.
Contact him if you want to sleep on the floor :
gmx . de)
Bring your sleeping bag and a mattress.
There is a camping site a few kilometres from the park.
See : Camping-Waldhort
Adresse : Heideweg 16, CH - 4153 Reinach BL, Tel. 0041 (0)61 711 64 29, E-Mail: info@camping-waldhort.ch, GPS: 47°29'58.6"N 7°36'10.8"E
Camping-Waldhort, with Openstreetmap.
It is located about 8 km south of the park as the crow flies.
Another campsite, is a few kilometres from the park.
See : Camping Kaiseraugst und Schwimmbad am Rhein
GPS adresse: Strandbadweg 1,4303 Kaiseraugst, Switzerland
Camping Kaiseraugst, with Openstreetmap.
It is located about 12 km east of the park as the crow flies, along the Rhein.
There is a kiosk in the park where you can buy snacks.
There are shops in the vicinity.
No meals or breakfasts will be organised on site.
The participation at the festival is free.
Dogs are not allowed in the halls.
Participants must have their own insurance.
Train table
See the Swiss train time table :
The festival will be simple, apart from a jugglers meeting, not much is planned as far as I know.
Welcome : Saturday from 11am.
An Openstage will take place on site at 8pm, for those who want.
The park closes on Saturday at 10pm.
Continuation: Sunday from 10 am.
End: Sunday, around 4pm.
For More Information :
E-mail :
gmx . de
or :
juggling . ch
Site map :
( index.html )
Last update done the 9th of june 2022 by Bernard Gisin
( Send an e-mail )