This 2nd Swiss central Juggling convention will take place :
- In Hitzkirch, a town at 20 km north from Luzern, 30 km south east from Zürich,
in the German part of Switzerland.
- In the gymnastics rooms of the town.
- Download a
map to find where Hitzkirch is.
The file is 70'816 bytes big. 31 pixels = 10 km, 50 pixels
= 10 miles.
resolution = 999 x 640 pixels.
Bern,Lausanne, Zürich, Luzern, Hitzkirch are on the map.
- A map of the town can be Downloaded.
The file is 14'789 bytes big. 100 meters = 100 pixels.
resolution = 790 x 714 pixels, Black and White.
- Sleeping possibilities from saturday to sunday will be in a civilian protection
building, under the earth.
But you have to bring your sleeping bag. No mattress needed.
The price is 5 Swiss franc the night.
- A camping will exist. You will need your camping material.
- Very few parking places are available, please prefere the train to the car.
- Some food and drinks will be sold at the juggling place.
Other food will be found near the juggling place in town.
- The paticipation at the festival is free.
- The public show will be held near the juggling place.
- Participants must have their one insurance.
table departur arrival
- From Luzern : xx.56
yy.39 (yy = xx+1)
- From Lenzburg : xx.39 yy.17
(yy = xx+1)
To go home :
departur arrival
- From Hitzkirch to Luzern : xx.17
yy.03 (yy = xx+1)
- From Hitzkirch to Lenzburg : xx.39
yy.20 (yy = xx+1)
See the Swiss train time table (French, German, Italiano, English) to have a confirmation.
Saturday 19th of September.
- Welcome the jugglers, begining at 11.00 am.
- Free juggling
- Workshops
- Public show at 20:00 pm.
Sunday 20th of September.
- Free juggling
- Workshops
- Games
= The Juggling group of Gelfingen-Hitzkirch.
More Information Contact
Heinz Schmid.
6284 Gelfingen
tel (041) 917'10'68