1st Inzlingen Dreiländer-eck Juggling Convention Resume
From Friday the 25th of June to Sunday the 27th of June, the first "Inzlingen Dreiländer-eck" Juggling Convention took place in Inzlingen (Germany), at the frontier between Germany, France and Switzerland.
In 1995, another convention took place in the "Dreiländer-eck", but not in Inzlingen. The organisers are thinking to continue with a second edition next year.
It was a small convention with about 150 participants. The weather was nice until the begining of the afternoon of saturday.
The public show was a big success, with hundreds of people comming from the village.
Friday and Saturday, we juggled til 5 o'clock in the morning, and had a lot of fun.
Unfortunatly, the organisers organised too much, and planned a trip to the "Landesgartenschau in Weil am Rhein". The intention was to organise games there, but the place was too big, and the weather changing quickly. The consequence was that most of the jugglers went home some hours earlier than planed. Personally, I went home four hours before I planned. Conclusion : do not organise too much. Games in the hall would have had much more success.
Neverthless, we all had a good time, and everything was very well organised.
Here are some photos taken during the convention.
Clic on a little image to get a medium one.
For a bigger image,
use the next group of images.

Clic on a little image to get a big one.
Here are exactly the sames images as previusly, but bigger.

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Last update done the 19th of July 1999 by Bernard Gisin
Little update the 22th of October 2015.