deutsch, français
As the 13 previous Swiss Juggling conventions, the 14th Swiss Juggling Convention was a big success, with about 150 jugglers from Switzerland, Germany, Italy, France and other countries (such as New Zealand). As always, the participation was free. Only the night from Saturday to Sunday and the food did cost something.
It took place from the 8th to the 9th of July 2000 in Bellinzona, a town in the Italian part of Switzerland. About 30 jugglers arrived already Friday afternoon. The organisers could manage a sleeping place for all of us. The weather was typical from this region, sunny and hot, with some wind.
Fewer jugglers came this year than usually. The fact that it began officially only Saturday, that it was fare from most Swiss town and from Germany and that no camping was available could be reasons. Also juggling is not as popular as it was a few years ago.
But this has its advantages. We feel more like a big family with many human contacts, and the possibility to meet every participant. Workshops can take place spontaneously, the organisation remain simple.
One thing I loved in this convention and in many previous one, is that many participants are helping without being asked. I appreciated particularly the help of Bettina and her sister Maja. They decided to stay at the station Friday evening to welcome jugglers arriving late. They always help in the background to make things work better. Bettina also organised the games.
The public show began at 8.45 p.m., and lasted 1 hour terminating with an open stage. It was outside with a nice weather but quite a lot of wind, which was not rings and clubs juggler friendly. After the show, free juggling with torches, luminous balls and meeting friends continued during the night.
The games lasted one and a half-hour on Sunday afternoon under the sun with the participation of nearly everybody. Many funny games took place. The unicycling limbo dance impressed me a lot, with Maja and three or four other unicyclists riding under a rope being at 60 centimetres from the ground. Touching the rope was allowed but not with the arms. Maja won with Basil, the youngest juggler of the convention, which was 7 years old.
After a short business meeting showing the satisfaction of everyone, the convention lasted until the evening.
Big thanks to the organisers :
Tonatiuh, Lisa, Gianni, Daniela, Patrizio, Sara, Olmo, Nico and David.
See their photo
See you all next year in Neuchâtel for the 15th Swiss Juggling Convention from the 22 to the 24th of June 2001.
Here are some commented photos taken during the convention.
From Netscape, Shift click to save the image on your hard disk.
The photos where reduced and cut to reach a size between 15 and 40 kb,
but "bigger" links to a photo of about 200 kb, which was not treated.
Jeremy from Geneva,
(bigger), Jeremy in the train at the departure from Geneva.
- "
La casetta di Bellinzona", (
bigger), our hostel for the first night.
Martina and Pier Luigi, (
bigger), in front of the "Casetta di Bellinzona".
Reception at the infostand, (
Saturday afternoon, (
bigger), juggling hard
Basil running after his little sister, (
bigger), Basil was 7 years old. He juggled 3 balls solid and won the unicycling limbo at the games.
Basil, the 7 year giant, (
The girls from the Circo Fortuna di Lugano, (
bigger), during the public show.
Köbi juggling with bouncing rings, (
bigger), during the public show.
Les passes vites, (
bigger) ,nice club juggling, during the public show.
Roman, juggling with a flag in the wind, (
bigger), during the public show.
Marc with his wonderful devilstick, (
bigger), during the public show.
The organisers Team, (
bigger). From left to right :
Patrizio, Gianni, Olmo, Daniela, Nico, Sara, Tonatiuh, Lisa. (David is missing on the photo)
Sunday morning, (
bigger), (~12 o'clock)
Jeremy to Geneva, (
bigger), Jeremy in the train comming back to Geneva.
The photographer, (
bigger), who is usually not on the photos. I'm also the guy maintaining this web site.
Here are
links to the same photos and some more, reduced and cut to reach a size between 15 and 40 kb
You can know which photos are commented by looking at the link in the bottom of your window. The one terminating with the extention ".html" are commented, the one terminating with ".jpg" are not.
Clic on a little image to get a medium one.
Here are
links to the same photos, not treated and not commented. Their size is around 200 kb each.
Clic on a little image to get a big one.
Here are some more photos.
Please tell me the mistakes I made, in order to help me maintaining a correct page.
If you want to be removed from here, please send me an e-mail.
Next time I hope to get more photos.