20th Swiss Juggling Convention Resume

Once more jugglers had the opportunity to meet and have a very nice week-end
in a little town of Switzerland.
The place was ideal. A big gym to juggle, places outside to juggle, a camping
at 50 meters, a dormitory at 80 meters, a place to eat at 10 meters from the
gym and shops at less than 1 kilometer from the site.
The weather was excellent too. As usuall, the convention was quiet, many people
juggled, but others just took a good time laying in the grass and taking sun.
The public show was a nice moment, presented by the duo
Full House. Some photos of the show can be seen at :
Big thank you to the organisers for this beautiful convention, very well organised.
Old announcement of this convention
Here are three photos from Roman during the show. Where else can you see such
a quiete and nice swiss juggling act ?

Four more photos :

Please tell me the mistakes I made, in order to help me maintaining a correct
Next time I hope to get more photos.
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Last update done the 9th of October 2018 by Bernard Gisin (
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