As is common for such events, we met in a very nice town, Frick, in the german part of Switzerland.
The convention took place again, in September.
We had a very big green place, a triple gym.
We could sleep in a gym next to the one where we juggled.
For the camping, we had to use the one of the city.
The weather was changing, sometimes sunny, sometimes raining.
Big thanks to Regula, Fabian and Blanca and their team for this beautiful convention.
Many thanks at Maya for helping at each convention.
The public show was again a nice moment.
For me it was quite special this time, since I was the moderator.
Not an easy job, since I'm not used to and german is not my mother language.
It was also nice to meet there Peter Marti, on of the organisers of the first Swiss Juggling Convention.
Old announcement of this convention
At the business meeting, a groupe of Lucern proposed to organise the next convention.
One year ago, the structure of the swiss juggling association has been improved,
and it works nicely.
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Last update done the 27th of October 2017 by Bernard Gisin (
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