As is common for such events, we met in a very nice place in Lucern, in the german part of Switzerland.
The convention took place again, in September.
We had a big place and two gym rooms.
We could sleep in a bunker next to the one where we juggled.
The weather was sunny all the time, so we stayed outside during the day.
Big thanks to Heinz, Rahel, Ursina, Nik and David and their team for this beautiful convention.
The public show was again a nice moment.
It was also nice to meet there Martina, on of the organisers of the first Swiss Juggling Convention.
Old announcement of this convention
At the business meeting, a groupe of Saint Gall proposed to organise the next convention.
Here some photos of the festival (with Tobias permission).
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Last update done the 12th of June 2019 by Bernard Gisin (
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