Swiss Juggling Association, documents

The Swiss Juggling Association is a group whose purposes are :
-  To ensure there is a juggling convention, once a year, somewhere in Switzerland.
-  To promote juggling.

Statuten (in German) of the Swiss Juggling Association.

Protokoll (in German) of the business meeting held in Uster in septembre 2016.
Protokoll (in German) of the business meeting held in Frick in septembre 2017.
Protokoll (in German) of the business meeting held in Lucern in septembre 2018.
Protokoll (in German) of the business meeting held in Lichtensteig in august 2019.
Protokoll (in German) of the business meeting held in Geneva in october 2021.

#  Here are copies of the two pages in german of the "Leitvorstellungen" made by Bruno Saxer in July 1989 to give a direction to the following Swiss Juggling Conventions.
Page 1
Page 2

Information to help organising a Swiss Juggling Convention

Contacts :
arrow Heinz Schmid, Kassier : heinz AT juggling . ch
arrow Blanca Böll, Vizepräsidentin : b . boell AT gmx . ch
arrow Bernard Gisin, Präsident : bernard4 AT juggling . ch
arrow Yves Bolognini : yves AT bolo . ch
arrow Michele Zehnder : michele . zehnder AT gmx . ch
arrow Maja Ravaioli, Mailing-List : jongloz AT yahoo . de
    She is no longer member of the Association, but continu to manage the Mailing-List.

Site map :   ( index.htmlarrow sja.html

Last update done the 11th of November 2024 by Bernard Gisin ( Send an e-mail )