The 12th Swiss Juggling Convention was a big success, with about 250 jugglers from Switzerland, Germany, France, Italy, England, and other countries. It took place from the 3rd to the 5th of July 1998 in La Chaux-de-Fonds, a town near Neuchâtel, in the French part of Switzerland.
Swiss conventions tends to remain simple, emphasizing human contacts over a big organization and many shows or professional workshops.
The public show began at 8.00 p.m. precisely, and lasted 1 hour and a half without any break, with the surprise of the participation of the Russian jugglers of the circus Knie. It was a big success, with a big meal for the actors at the end.
The games lasted from 12.45 to 14.15 with the participation of everybody. It was like a big family meeting.
Here are some of my preferred figures of the convention.
I didn't manage to take a photo of all of them.
From Netscape, Shift click to save the image on your hard disk.
- Achim Villing, a German friend staying
in our Geneva juggling club for some months.
- Angelika Stell, a wonderful juggler
and our interpreter with the Russian jugglers.
- Bettina Ravaioli, von Zürich.
She is one organizer of the 11th Swiss convention in Oerlikon. She helped
to organize this convention too.
- Didi von Olten, und Thomas Studer.
Old friends from conventions.
- Felix Hunkeler Hinniger
- Françoise Boya and Osama.
Françoise is one of the great organizers of this wonderful meeting.
- Heinz Schmid von Gelfingen (Luzern),
one of the organizers of the mini
convention in September in Hitzkirch.
- Jörg and Andreas, two stars from
the public show. I didn't see Jörg for years, it was a wonderful surprise
to see him again. He was very helpful before and during the public show.
- Jost and Beat, two juggling convention
- Marcel Bienz von Littau (Luzern),
one of the helpers of the mini
convention in September in Hitzkirch.
- Marian from Bern. Friend from many years.
- Michel from Basel, our yo-yo master.
I learned many yo-yo tricks :o) but forgot half of them :o( Thanks for
his participation to the public show.
- Osama, my wife
Melinda and I in our garden. I got a new egyptian friend during the convention.
- Osama el Masry, my new friend and
a diabolo master. The last act at the public show.
- Pierino Mascetti, the Swiss-Italian
speaking juggler, participating with his son to every Swiss convention.
- Res Ryser + Jutta, the main organizer
of the 5th Swiss convention in Arbon, near St. Gallen + an Hitzkirch team
- Res Ryser alone. He helped
to organize this 12th Swiss convention. He is still active in juggling and
helping organizers of conventions.
- Rico Bandle, the winner of
the five ball competition. He is an excellent balls and clubs juggler.
- Roland von Däniken, another
juggling friend from many conventions.
- Roman Winiger + Silvian Fluck
+ ???. Roman is the main organizer of this convention. The two other persons
where also organizers of this convention.
- Urs Rohrer, the winner of the
7 balls competition. He is an excellent juggler with small and big balls (football
size). Thanks also for his participation to the public show.