2nd Swiss Center Juggling Convention Resume
The 2th Swiss Center Juggling Convention was held the 19/20th of September in
Hitzkirch, as the first one in March 1995. Hitzkirch is a small town in the district
of Luzern. About 100 jugglers for 2000 inhabitants.
Swiss conventions continues to remain simple, emphasizing human contacts over
big organization and many shows or professional workshops. Another particularity
of Swiss conventions is that they are free. This simplifies badges checking!
Food and some accommodations have to be paid, but very cheap. For example the
breakfast on was 5 Swiss franks, for unlimited yogurt (2 flowers), corn flex,
bread, 3 kind of jam, tee, coffee and milk.
Most jugglers arrived saturday between 11 a.m. and 14 p.m.
We had plenty of room, inside or outside, a good weather, a juggling shop
and many good jugglers.
A public show was quickly organized with 11 acts. The magic of these shows
is the mixture of professional, semi-professional, experienced amateur and
amateur, with the uniqueness of one single show during the convention. It
was really great, with more than half of the public coming from the town.
After the show, they nearly all came to see the fire juggling.
Juggling continued till one or two o'clock. (I left involuntarily at one o'clock).
Sunday, breakfast between 8.30 and 11 a.m.
Free juggling + resting + talking + bronze + meeting friends + ...
The convention ended outside in the sun with games and a lot of friendship.
Here are some of the photos I took during this very nice convention.
I didn't manage to take photo from all jugglers I wanted.
See http://www.juggling.ch to see other photos from previous conventions.
From Netscape, Shift click to save the image on your hard disk.
small is a jpeg image file of 10 to 20 KB, 200x200 to 400x400 pixels.
bigger is a jpeg image file of 40 to 140 KB, 500x500 to 1000x760
- Andreas Karnowski
und Michi Weber (bigger),
two yo-yo masters. Michi participated at the public show.
- Bettina juste arrived from Zürich
- Bettina & Maya (bigger).
Feeding. They participated to the organization of the 11th Swiss convention,
in Oerlikon, near Zürich.
- Brigitte Geisseler (bigger).
She participated to the organization of the 7th. Swiss convention, in Aarau.
- Christof taking his regular drink.
- A nice game with many clubs.
- Folobolo (bigger).
The juggling shop during the convention.
- Games, very relax (bigger).
Everyone could participate at the games, but not everyone could win. There was
three 7 balls jugglers !
- The Hitzkirch organization team
(bigger). Many thanks for having organized
this beautiful little convention. Names are :
René, Beat, Ursi & Roland
Heinz ..................... Rahel
Martin ........... Jutta
A special thank to Martin for his lift to the doctor after a little combat juggling
- Lucia and Criselly (bigger).
Criselly was on the cover page of Kaskade Nr. 46 (February 1997) and the winner
of the 5 balls competition in Hagen, but still remains very friendly and participate
at small conventions. Lucia with Urs, Samuel und Adi from Zürich have very
nice juggling routines. With Manu, a french friend, we managed in Edinburgh
to do the 6 people Bruno's nightmare. It was invented by the french juggler
Hanz Gault. The idea of the pattern follows. Two Giants do passing with 6 "objects",
the objects being humans, themselves doing a Bruno's nightmare passing. The
final idea of Hans is 3 Giants doing a Bruno's nightmare with 9 "object_people",
themselves doing a Bruno's nightmare. It would be the nightmare of Bruno's
- Marc Hangartner at Devil
stick (bigger).
He participated to the public show. Two sticks, one in each hand, and many very
nice and non trivial acts. You wouldn't believe his age if I would tell it !
- Maya, here sister Bettina and Marian
- Monika and Heinz (bigger).
Heinz is one of the main organizator of this convention.
- Priska (bigger).
I met her in Arbon, the 4th Swiss juggling convention, but I don't know if she
helped organizing. Please tell me.
- Spectators of the public show. (bigger)
- More spectators of the public show.
- Rico juggling 5 heads. (bigger).
Rico wan the 5 ball competition at the 12th Swiss convention in "La
Chaux-de-Fonds". This time he didn't participate at the public show.
- Urs and Samuel. (bigger).
I talked about them since Bruno's nightmare is an easy pattern for them. We
participated at the public show, preparing a passing routine only few hours
before the show.
- Urs, Samuel and Florian
(bigger). The where among the main
organizers from the 11th Swiss convention in Oerlikon, near Zürich.
- A friend (bigger).
As always, I forgot the name of a frind. I met him at least at 5 conventions
in Switzerland, talked and juggled hours with him, but my memory is week. Sorry.
Please remember me his name. The first time we met, I was impressed how many
languages he speaks.
Please tell me the mistakes I made, in order to help me maintaining a correct
Next time I will get some more photos.
Site map : www.juggling.ch
Plan de site : index.html
Last update done the 28 February 1999 by Bernard Gisin