This 15th Swiss juggling convention was a non-stop success from the 22nd to the 24th of June. We were expecting 50 jugglers on Friday night and over 100 joined us from midday up to late at night. Again the day after, a continuous flow of jugglers were turning up at Neuchâtel. Surely the free access to the convention as well as the free sleeping accommodations (well, only in a sports hall!) were this year again helping low budgets to attend the Swiss convention. The weekend cost was thus limited to drinks, breakfasts and sandwiches but at so low prices that going to the supermarket was non-sense.
The sun !!
The sports hall had all desired facilities (acrobatics stuff, volley nets, …)
and could not only protect fanatics from a very lazy wind but also, and mostly,
give a shelter to all those white skin jugglers who would have very soon got
burned. The much-awaited sun was thus attending the convention and did stay
all time long. The sellers were installed outside and the breakfasts could take
place outside before the bar relayed for the rest of the day. On Saturday the
planning was simple : workshops (balls in groups, contact juggling, poi, acrobatics
and many other spontaneous) or only juggling again with friends met once a year.
In the evening everyone walked to the 10-minute-far city center in order to reach Neuchâtel's theater were the public show was taking place. In this brand new show room, the 560 seats let all interested people to enter. About 2/3 raised their hand as juggler, we can thus roughly estimate that about 400 jugglers attended the convention during that weekend. Back to the show : Henry and Gaby from the duo Full House superbly presented, giving the show that professional (and very funny!!) touch. Through the whole public show, the level was excellent and there were many different skills. We could also admire the performance of several youth coming from Neuchâtel region. The public show was thus a big success.
Immediately after the public show, 30 liters of fuel disappeared quickly in the city center. Fire torches, fire balls but also several fire blowers were animating the market place of Neuchâtel. Then everyone went back to the sports hall to juggle all night long, a few fanatic only stops at dawn (6 o'clock) whereas breakfast was being prepared.
On Sunday, workshops again took place but also juggling games at noon. Usual combat juggling, 5-club endurance and some others dedicated to children. Thanks to the sellers, numerous prizes could be won.
The business meeting at 3 o'clock was announcing the end of the convention. Bern will be the hosting town of the 16th Swiss convention (28th - 30th June 2002) and the presentation was already promising a great weekend. Thank you to all peoples who helped during the whole weekend and see you next year for the next Swiss juggling convention.
Neuchâtel, the 2nd of July 2001
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